Author´s books
Phantoms of Light
Agustín Fernández Paz, who has published over thirty books, is one of Spain’s most respected writers for children and young people. He has won major prizes for his work, such as the Premio Nacional de Literatura Infantil y Juvenil for Només ens queda l’amor (All We Have Left Is Love), published by Bromera
Premio Merlín
Premio Lazarillo
Premio CCEI
Premio Nacional de Literatura Infantil y Juvenil
Les flors radioactives, Premio Merlín
Contos por palabras, Premio Lazarillo
El centre del laberint. Premi CCEI
Només ens queda l'amor, Premi Nacional de Literatura Infantil i Juvenil
Cartes d’hivern
Amor dels quinze anys
Nit d’ombres voraces
Fantasmes al passadís
Tres passes pel misteri