Author´s books
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She began her career designing posters, for which she won various prizes, and also designed logos; she has also worked on advertising campaigns for institutions and businesses. She has co-ordinated specialist magazines on illustation. Between 1996 and 2000, she taught Expressive Drawing at the Escola Elisava de Barcelona and later courses in Illustration for Publishing at the Escola Massana. She won the Premio Lazarillo for Illustration in 1993 for BZZZ.1 Pañella i Montlleo.
Premio Lazarillo de Ilustración 1993, for Bzzz...
Special Mention in the Premio Catalonia 1994, for Faycán.
Accésit Premio Lazarillo1996, for La bruja Tiburcia.
Premio Libros Mejor Editados (Modalidad Infantil y Juvenil) 1999 , for Pelo de zanahoria.
Premio Apel.les Mestres 1999, for Las fotos de Sara.