Author´s books
A Good Place To Rest
After spending much of his life as a computer executive, Gutierrez Maluenda decided instead to write noir fiction. His first novel, Putas, Diamantes y Cante Jondo (Whores, Diamonds and Gypsy Music), was a finalist for the 2005 Best First Novel Prize awarded by the Asociación de Novela Negra y Policíaca Brigada 21. Other novels include: 806 Solo para adultos (806 Adults Only), finalist for the Prize, Música para los muertos (Music for the Dead, 2007) and Una Anciana Obesa Tranquila (A Fat, Calm Old Lady, 2009). His short story Harlem is featured in the anthology La Lista Negra (The Black List), a collection of the best Spanish crime fiction. His lecture on the importance of jazz and blues in noir fiction is included in the book Geografías en Negro (Noir Geography).
Mala Hostia, Ed. Alrevés 2011
Los muertos no tienen amigos, Flamma Editorial 2011
Una anciana obesa y tranquila, Ed. Difacil 2009
Música para los muertos, Ed. Tropismos 2007
806 Solo para adultos, Ed. Yo escribo 2006
Putas, Diamantes y Cante Jondo, Editorial Abadia 2005