Author´s books
Soul Medicine
Josep Soler Sala was born on 18th May 1965 in Badalona. Since 1987 he usually suffered from a shoulder pain apparently caused by playing basket ball. He tried alternative medicine in 1989. He also approached taoism, yoga and Chinese medicine. In 1993 he travelled through India and Nepal. While travelling he suffered more pain and discomfort. As a result he questions his life and begins to regard it as a spiritual quest. He became interested in meditation and went into silent retreats Vipassana. Meditation became part of his daily life. He meets Eric Rolf in 1993 and they start working on the use of "El Código Secreto del Cuerpo"” and "La Intuición, el Idioma Creativo Interior" a concept that relates each part of the body and each illness with a belief, pattern or way of looking at life by the person showing the symptom. He discovers that the chronic shoulder pain he suffered from has a direct connection with his beliefs and way of looking at life. The pain disappears when he acknowledges that it represents the weight of the badly understood responsibility and he can get rid of it and the importance given to it.