Fabio Morábito (1955) lives in Mexico and is the author of three books of poetry: Lotes baldíos, winner of the Carlos Pellicer prize, De lunes todo el año, winner of the Premio Aguascalientes, and Alguien de lava. All three were collected in the volume La ola que regresa (Fondo de Cultura Económica). He has written three books of short stories: La lenta furia (Tusquets), La vida ordenada (Tusquets) and Grieta de fatiga (Tusquets), which won the Premio de Narrativa Antonin Artaud, as well as the prose collections Caja de herramientas (Fondo de Cultura Económica) and También Berlín se olvida (Tusquets). He has published a short novel for young people, Cuando las panteras no eran negras (Siruela), and is author of the book of essays, Los pastores sin ovejas (El Equilibrista). He has translated the complete poetry of Eugenio Montale (Galaxia Gutenberg-Círculo de Lectores) and the Aminta by Torquato Tasso (UNAM). He has lived for long periods in various different countries and his books have been translated into German, English, French, Portuguese and Italian.
Premio de Narrativa Antonin Artaud 2006 Premio Pellicer Premio Aguascalientes
Cuando las panteras no eran negras | Italia | Salani | 1996
La lenta furia |Alemania | Suhrkamp | 1997|
Caja de herramientas | Reino Unido | Bloomsbury | 1996
Lotes baldíos (poesía) |Canada | Ecrits des Forges | 2001
La vida ordenada | Alemania | DAAD | 2003
Cuando las panteras no eran negras | Brasil | Editora 34 | 2008
Grieta de fatiga |Francia | José Cortí Éditions | 2009