Author´s books
An exemplary family
Genís Sinca Algué (Manresa, 1970) studied IT (UAB), and before daring to write he contributed to national newspapers, was a foreign correspondent in Italy, a reader in Catalan at the university of Heidelberg, a writer of biographies and other non-fiction books, such as 'El último republicano' (an unauthorised biography of Heribert Barrera), also published by Columna. Over his intense, multifaceted life he has been a commercial model, a summer home salesman, a literary critic, an Italian teacher and has even Been a ghostwriter for other authors. He has lived in Rome, Andorra la Vella, Besançon, Heidelberg and Brussels and currently lives in Barcelona. Sinca makes a punchy entrance into the world of fiction, ready to use the novel as a necessary tool and one of combat.