Author´s books
The adventures of Zollinger the printer
Born in Madrid, 1963, he is the grandson of the essayist and art critic Eugenio d´Ors. After graduating in New York and studying philosophy and theology in Rome, Prague and Vienna — where he specialised in German studies - he completed a PhD with a thesis entitled 'Teopoética. Teología de la experiencia literaria.' His carreer as a writer began in 2000 with a collection of short stories, 'El estreno»' and a novel, 'Las ideas puras,' shortlisted for the Herralde prize. He then published 'El estupor y la maravilla (Pre-Textos, 2007); 'Lecciones de ilusión' (Anagrama, 2008); 'El amigo del desierto' (Anagrama, 2009); 'Sendino se muere' (Fragmenta), 'Biografía del silencio' (Siruela, 2012) and 'El olvido de sí' (Pre-Textos, 2013). All his works, which have an affinity mainly with the writing of Franz Kafka, Hermann Hesse and Milan Kundera, have been exceptionally well received by critics