Author´s books
Memoirs of a happy man
The Death of Alec
Darío Jaramillo Agudelo was born in Santa Rosa de Osos (Antioquia, Columbia) en 1947. He has published 7 volumes of poetry, with three complete re-issues and five selections. He has also published the prose work, Guía para viajeros (A Travellers' Guide, 1991); an autobiographical text, Historia de una pasión (The Story of a Passion, Pre-Textos, 2006); the novels: La muerte de Alec (The Death Of Alec, Pre-Textos, 2013), Cartas cruzadas (Crossed Letters, 1993), Memorias de un hombre feliz (Memories of a Happy Man, 2000, Pre-Textos, 2010), El juego del alfiler (The Pin Game, Pre-Textos, 2002), A Novel with Ghosts (Pre-Textos, 2004), La voz interior (Inner Voice, Pre-Textos, 2006) and Historia de Simona (Simona's Story, Pre-Textos, 2011), plus an essay, Poesía en la canción popular latinoamericana (Poetry in Latin American Folk Song, AmePre-Textos, 2008).