Author´s books
The Magic bookmobile
César Fernández García is a teacher with a degree in Spanish studies from the Universidad Complutense of Madrid. His lectures are devoted to literature.
He has also written books and articles on History of Literature and Literary Hermeneutics.
He is an author who always combines two stories in his novels: one is obvious and the other one is hidden, develops throughout the story and ends up being revealed. He skillfully handles intrigue so as to reach a point of reflection which is finally offered to the reader.
Other books he has published are El bibliobús mágico (Editorial Brief, 2001); Bárbara, detective (Editorial Eiunsa), 2002; Bárbara y el misterio de Ariadna (Editorial Bruño, 2002); La visita del vampiro (Editorial Siruela, 2004); La magia del samurái (Editorial Bruño, 2006).
Finalist of the XXII Premio Jaén de Literatura Juvenil 2007, for El e–mail del mal.
Finalist of the Premio Edebé de Literatura Infantil 2007, for El rugido de la vida.
List of Honour of the Premio CCEI 2007, for No, no y no.
First Prize of the XVI Certamen de Cuentos “Villa de Lodosa”, for Alter ego.