Author´s books
Lili and Marlene
She has so far published six novels for young adults (Cruce de mundos [Crossed Wolrds], Nahid, mi hermana afgana [Nahid, My Afghan Friend], Palestina [Palestina], Sinfonía de la Tierra [Symphony of the Earth], La banda de la plazoleta [The Gang from the Square], Mi diablo lleva zancos [My Devil Uses Stilts] and El silencio del miedo [The Silence of Fear]), three books of what are called travel writing, but which she terms condemnation (El grito silenciado [The Silenced Cry], Hijas de la arena {Daughters of the Sand] and Brasil, the last in collaboration with the journalist Natza Farré), three historical novels (Crónica de una reina [Chronicle of a Queen], La dama [The Lady] and La hija de la hostelera [The Innkeeper's Daughter]) and stories for young boys and girls (El hombre gris del país de las máquinas [The Grey Man from the Land of Machines], ¡Sahar, despierta ! [Sahar, Wake up!], El gavilán [The Sparrow Hawk], ¡Como ha cambiado el cuento! [How the Story has Changed!], Un lío de ratas y gatos [A Rat and Cat Fight], Kalakamake), a story for all ages (En la montaña de las amatistas [On the Amethyst Mountain]) and the novels Las habitaciones cerradas (Closed Rooms) and La muerte y los gusanos de seda (Death of the Silkworms). Some of these works have been translated into various languages.