Author´s books
Heart of The Stone
Pasolini or The Night of the Fireflies
José M.ª García López was born in 1945 and graduated with a degree in Hispanic Language and Literature. Originally from Ávila, he mainly lives in Madrid and Cadiz. He has published the following poetry collections: "Sombra derretida" ("Melted Shadow) (1988, Poesía Erótica prize 1987), "Memoria del olvido" ("Memory of Forgetting") (1994, 1992 Rafael Alberti prize) and "Serán ceniza (poesía 1988-2008)" ("They Will be Ash (Poetry 1988-2008)") (2008) . He is the author of the novels "La ronda del pecado mortal" ("The Circle of Mortal Sin") (1992), "El baile de los mamelucos" ("The Dance of the Mamelukes") (2002, which has been translated into Portuguese), "Infame turba" ("Infamous Crowd") (2006), "El pájaro negro" ("The Black Bird") (2008), "En la ciudad subterránea" ("In the Underground City") (2012), "El corazón de la piedra" ("The Heart of the Stone") (Nocturna, 2014) and "Pasolini o La noche de las luciérnagas" ("Pasolini or The Night of the Fireflies") (Nocturna, 2015).