Author´s books
The Last Years of Magic
Born in Albacete in 1972, José Antonio Fideu is an author and writer of graphic novels. A qualified teacher, he combines his vocation for teaching with his other great passion: telling stories. After publishing his first comic book ('Núbilus'), 'Núbilus' the novel came out in 2009. Editorial Planeta DeAgostini later published two further comic books written by Fideu ('Alma' and 'Las increíbles aventuras del Duque Dementira' ('The Incredible Adventures of the Duke of Deceit')). Fideu has also published the series 'Los archivos del Capitán Meteoro' ('The Archives of Captain Meteoro') (serialised novel) on one of the internet's most visited specialist comic book websites ( Winner of the International Premio Minotauro 2016 for 'Los últimos años de la magia' ('The Last Years of Magic').