Author´s books
Project Anti-Christ
Miguel Pedrero, writer and journalist, is an editor and reporter for the international magazine Año/Cero, a team member on the popular radio show La Rosa de los Vientos (Onda Cero) and a contributor to 'Levántate y Cárdenas', the famous morning show broadcast on Europa FM. He has written hundreds of reports on the world of espionage, political conspiracies and undercover operations by the secret services, and is the author of a dozen books, including titles such as 'Conocimiento Prohibido' ('Forbidden Knowledge') (Cydonia), 'Claves ocultas del poder mundial' ('The Hidden Keys to Global Power') (Edaf), 'Corrupción: las cloacas del poder' (Corruption: The Cesspools of Power') (Nowtilus), 'Franco Top Secret' ('Top Secret Franco') (Temas de Hoy), 'Contacto' ('Contact') (Edaf) and 'El universo no es plano' ('The Universe Is Not Flat') (La Esfera de los Libros).