Journey to the South tells the story of a family of ladybirds who live in a little town, called Irani, in the north of Finland. The cold and snow make them sad. They live in the window of a house, belonging to Henri, who wants to find a way to make his insects happy. When he hears the postman call at the door, he gets the idea of sending the ladybird family south. And so begins a journey from Europe's deepest North to its deepest South: from Inari to the Sierra de Grazalema (in the province of Cadiz, Andalusia). When they arrive, the lush sierra fills the ladybirds with emotion. But they don't forget about Henry and they send a letter back to him with some very special presents. This story hopes to revive the magic of letter-writing in an impersonal, technological world. From Finland to Spain - is there anything more wonderful?