Albert Corner i Espiga left the Cuban war behind him some time ago, but he promised himself he would never again be that conscript burdened with poverty and misfortune, but a new man, a survivor. And using that instinct he managed to build a fortune, become part of the Catalan haute bourgeoisie and start a well-off family. These are tense times and the sparks begin to fly. The Lliga Regionalista wins the 1901 elections under the leadership of Cambó and Prat de la Riba. The monarchists and Lerrouxists are getting organised and the State begins to react. Catalonia is going through a time of fear and uncertainty, but also of great ambitions and hopes. 'Ashen Rose' is a magnificent reconstruction of Barcelona's Tragic Week of 1909. The novel recreates a unique and tumultuous period, during which nobody has absolute control of the truth, with great narrative power.