Author´s books
Pepe Serrano was born in Zaragoza in 1978 and has a teaching diploma, specialising in Musical Education. He teaches in a primary school. Since 2009, he has published with Nalvay: Máziel Spück y el misterio del cuadro (Máziel Spück and the Mystery of the Painting), Cocina rápido para tortugas (Fast Food for Tortoises) and Peponman, the latter in collaboration with Álvaro Ortiz. With Daniel Nesquens he has also co-authored Casi un millón de cuentos (Almost a Million Stories; Edelvives, 2013). In 2015 he was awarded the XXXIII Concurso de Narrativa Infantil Vila d’Ibi for El asombroso viaje del señor Bianchi (Señor Bianchi's Astonishing Journey).