Author´s books
They tell me you are dead
María Zaragoza was born in Madrid in 1982, and has lived since she was seven in Campo de Criptana, Ciudad Real. She has been writing since a young age, taking part in school competitions, for which she received numerous prizes for her works such as 'La ninfa del bosque', 'Siete historias de amor imposible', 'Helena Destino', 'Cuentos humanos' and 'Querido desconocido'. At the age of sixteen she published a collection of stories 'Ensayos sobre un personaje incompleto' (Tau, 2000), and in 2007, her collection of short novels 'Realidades de humo' (Belacqva, 2007). in 2008, interested in experimental art, she took part in the EnfrasK2 project, with the stories 'Espacio', 'El ángel murió en Astorga', 'Zootrópica' and 'Mi breve vida'. In the same year, her story 'Tiempo' was published by publisher Hipalage in the anthology 'A contrarreloj II'. 'Tiempos gemelos' was her first novel.