Paula Quiñones arrives in Azafrán to locate graves from the civil war era. As soon as she sets her lame foot in the town she feels as though the sky is growing heavy above her and an invisible elastic is pulling on her body, keeping her away from her destination, the Beato family's hotel beside a billboard displaying the word 'Azufrón'. This summer Paula will correspond with Luz, the sister-in-law of Detective Zarco, one of the main characters from 'Black, Black, Black.' She will tell her about her romantic encounters with David Beato in a beautiful garden. She will also reveal her fears regarding the possible existence of a whistle-blower and the family legends that power the hotel. Meanwhile, Analía, David's mother, takes loving care of Jesús Beato, the gentle patriarch who has just turned one hundred, and listens to the messages he whispers in her ear. And a famished legion of ghostly lost children and dead women.