Author´s books
Women who read
Rosa Huertas is a doctor of Information Sciences and a graduate of Spanish Language and Literature. She teaches Language and Literature at a school in Madrid. She's published fifteen books for children and young adults. In 2017 she won the 14th Anaya Prize with "La sonrisa de los peces de Piedra" [The Smile of the Stone Fish] which was also awarded the Fundación Cuatrogatos Prize. Additionally, in 2018 she won the Azagal Prize for "Prisioneros de lo invisible" [Prisoners of the Invisible] (Edelvives 2017). In 2019 she published "Mujeres de la cultura, diez relatos sobre mujeres españolas imprescindibles del mundo de la cultura" [Cultured Women: ten stories about Spanish women who made indispensable contributions to the world of culture].