Author´s books
If we ever meet again, call me Gwen
Germán Sánchez Espeso was born in Pamplona on 22 January 1940. He conceived his first novels as a pentalogy (Experimento en génesis, Síntomas de éxodo, Laberinto levítico, De entre los números y Baile de disfraces [Experiment in Genesis, Symptoms of Exodus, Levitical Labyrinth, Between the Numbers and Fancy Dress Ball]), which he called the Pentateuch. These stories all bore an experimental hallmark, which would immediately see him included as one of the new Spanish storytellers. In 1978 he was awarded the Nadal Prize for his novel Narciso [Narcissus], a story with a more linear and less experimental approach. Although his work includes some poems and some essays such as Clitoris (2017), almost all his work is novelistic; from the pentalogy and Narciso (1978), which mark his first period as an experimental novelist, to his later novels with a strong New York voice, such as No dejéis el cuchillo sobre el piano [Don't Leave the Knife on the Piano] (2001), and New York Shitty (2004). Among other stories, he has published Viva el pueblo! [Long Live the People] (1981) Paraíso [Paradise] (1982) and La reliquia [The Relic] (1983).