Author´s books
Everything is Forgotten
Carmen Guaita (Cádiz, 1960) is a graduate of Philosophy and a teacher. She has published two novels with Khaf: "Jilgueros en la Cabeza" [Goldfinches in my Head] and "El Terrario" [The Terrarium]; she has written a biography of Víctor Ullate - "La vida y la danza" [Life in Dance]- and is the author of a large number of books concerning education and ethics: "Lo que mis alumnos me enseñaron" [What my Students have Taught me], "Encuentros" [Meetings], "Cronos va a mi clase" [Cronos comes to my Class], "Memorias de la pizarra" [Recollections of the Chalk-board], "Cartas para encender linternas" [Letters to Light Lanterns], "La flor de la esperanza"[The Flower of Hope], "Desconocidas: una geometríade las mujeres" [Unknowns: a Geometry of Women], "Contigo aprendí" [I Learned with You] and "Los amigos de mis hijos" [My Kids' Friends]. She is also co-author of several titles: "Vaticano II, un Tesoro escondido" [Vatican II: Hidden Treasure]; "Memorias del Alzheimer" [Memories of Alzheimers]; "Autoridad, disciplina y educación, tres palancas del entorno escolar" [Authority, discipline and education, three levers in the school environment]; "Apuntes educativos:el lenguaje en la Educación Primaria" [Education Notes: the Language of Primary Education] and "La frustración grupal" [Group Frustration].