Author´s books
Climate Change
YAYO HERRERO LÓPEZ: anthropologist, social educator and agricultural engineer, Yayo is the co-author of numerous articles and some tens of books related to social ecology. She has acted as the state co-ordinator for Ecologistas en Acción [Ecologists in Action] and was the director of FUHEM for six years.
MARÍA GONZÁLEZ REYES: a graduate of Biology, María has written five books of stories published by Libros en Acción [Books in Action] and has taken part in other collaborative book projects, publications and articles related to social ecology and eco-feminism in several journals and magazines: Ctxt...
BERTA PÁRAMO PINO: after many years working as an architect, all roads seemed to lead to a career in scientific drawing which after only a few years saw her work selected at festivals such as ShaSharjah Children’s Reading Festival (United Arab Emirates).