Author´s books
Màrius Serra (Barcelona, 1963, has published more than 6,000 crossword puzzles, 2,000 articles, 8 narrative works and 3 wordplay books, among them Manual d’enigmística and Verbalia (2000), winner of the Octavi Pellissa Prize, the Serra d’Or Prize and the Lletra d’Or Prize. Serra has won the City of Barcelona Prize for the book of stories La vida normal (Proa, 1998). He is also the author of the novels Mon Oncle (Proa, 1995, FEC Prize), AblanatanalbA (Edicions 62, 1999), Monocle (Proa, 2003) and has written a non-fiction novel, De com s’escriu una novel•la (Empúries, 2004). He holds a trilingual website dedicated to puns and wordplay ( and is a regular contributor to the media. His novel Farsa (Planeta, 2006) was awarded the Premi Ramon Llull 2006. His latest published title is the successful Quiet (Empúries, 2009) that has sold more than 25.000 copies in just a few months.
Farsa / Italy / Neri Pozza / 2006
Farsa / Romania / RAO / 2006