Author´s books
The Gospel According to Mary Magdalene
Cristina Fallarás (Zaragoza, 1968) is a journalist and writer. She has received several awards for her journalistic work. Her published works of fiction include Así murió el poeta Guadalupe (So Died the Poet Guadalupe, Alianza, 2009), Las niñas perdidas (The Lost Girls, Roca, 2011 L'H Confidencial prize and 2012 Hammett prize), the novella Ultimos días en el Puesto del Este ( Last days at the East Post, DVD, 2011; Salto de Página, 2013) and the celebrated novel Honrarás a tu padre y a tu madre (Honour Your Father and Your Mother, Anagrama, 2018). Her non-fiction works include A la puta calle (Out into Street, Planeta, 2013), a brave memoir about her eviction and Ahora contamos nosotras (Now We Count Too (Anagrama, 2019), which collects the testimonies of several women who have suffered gender-based violence. Her most recent work is the long-awaited novel The Gospel According to Mary Magdalene (PRH / Ediciones B, 2021).