Author´s books
My Airplane and Me
The author, Carmen García Iglesias, studied history of Art and Advertising Design but has dedicated her working life to children's literature and some of its related aspects. The first of her own stories that she illustrated was "Aventuras de Rufo y Tufo (the Adventures of Rufo and Tufo) and she has illustrated the work of other authors (such as, "Witika, hija de los leones" (Wikita, the Lions' Daughter) which won the Apel´les Mestres Prize for illustration) and her own work (like, "Fernando el oso polar" (Fernando the Polar Bear) which was a finalist for the Edebé Prize, and "Mi avión y yo" (My airplane and Me) published with Editorial Everest). In total she has published more than forty books. She has also worked in the press, working on several projects for children's supplements; animations for readings in schools; workshops at libraries illustrating; book fairs; exhibitions; and has given drawing courses for children "Dibujamos juntos" (Let's draw together) in the ABC Museum.