Antoni Defez (Valencia, 1958) has a PhD from the University of Valencia, where he presented his thesis on Wittgenstein in 1990. He has taught at the universities of Alicante and Valencia and since 1994 has been head of the Philosophy Department at the University of Girona. He has published numerous articles in magazines such as Comprendre, Revista de Catalunya and L'Espill, and is the author of, among others, the books "Música i sentit. El cas de Wittgenstein" ("Music and Feeling. The Case of Wittgenstein", PUV, 2008) and "Realisme i nació, un assaig de filosofía impura" ("Realsim and Nation, an Essay in Impure Philosophy", Tres i Quatre, 2009), which was awarded the Joan Fuster Essay Prize. He has also written several books of poetry, in particular "L’arc de la mirada" (Arc of the Gaze), "Els haikus de Ciutat Vella" (Haikus of Ciutat Vella) and "Incert moviment" (Uncertain Movement).