It's only a few days before the three moons come into conjunction and the mad god Tubilok opens the gates of the hellish Prates, which will cause the annihilation of Tramórea. Kratos and Derguín try to stop it, riding separately towards the mysterious Tártara.
Meanwhile, Tarimán forges another sword of power, Ariel tries to outwit the necromancer Ulma Tor as he stalks him and to return Zemal to Derguín, and the Kalagorinor wizards try to help the humans in their desperate race against the calendar and the gods.
All the pieces are placed on the board for one last game. For some, the prize is survival and the posession of Tramórea. For others, absolute dominion over all reality. The destiny of entire universes depends on the final battle, which will be fought beneath the red flames of Prates, in the heart of Tramórera.