Spring, 2089: the whole world has heard of the disturbiances in the external university franchises. Demonstrations in New Berkely, protests in the Sorbonne Resseau and student riots throughout the Academic Ring.
On the Oxford 7 campus, Professor Sirhan Palaiopoulos and his most engaged studets from Precomputational Cinematography are plotting something. The rector Deckard tries to control the situation from her office in Huxley Tower while in the background, the riot squads are dispatched, but the students manage to leave the space station and head for Earth, thanks to the help of Rick Blaine, an old space wolf who traffics Burley tobacco grown in real soil. What the kids can't imagine is the dangers they'll have to face at the end of their journey, when they land in the heart of an apocalyptic Barcelona after the Storming of the Boquería.