Chronicles of the Impossible is a balanced collection of stories written by the poet Lur Sotuela and illustrated by Julio Silva. Psychological depth, human concerns and a caustic black humour pervade each of these 25 stories. The marvellous illustrations are by the eighty year old Julio Silva, who collaborated closely with Julio Cortázar on several books: Les discours du Pince-Gueule (1966), La vuelta al día en ochenta mundos (Around the Day in Eighty Worlds, 1967) and Último round (Last Round, 1969). His drawings make the book a must have. The tenderness and humanity, depth and humour with which the narrator confronts the existential situation of our species turns every story into an entertaining, healthy and highly interesting experience. The intelligence, subtlety and precision of Lur’s writing take us into the inner worlds of moving, amusing and exciting characters.