Publisher´s books
“Cosas de España” in England. The Gaze of a Country Upon Another One.
English, French and Prussian People in Spain (Between Enlightenment and the Romanticism)
In nomine patri and other tales
Ediciones Alfar celebrated its 25th birthday in 2007, in the same year and in the same circumstances of Andalusia as a regional autonomy, highligthing once more, in that occasion, that the main aim of Alfar has always been education and the promotion of Andalusian culture through publishing. In these 25 years, Alfar has published almost 500 titles, with “Alfar Universidad” and “Ciencias de la Educación” undoubtedly as its most important series. Alfar, however, has a more universal vocation in the choice of themes and authors, as it is evident in the editorial motto: “Culture with roots, culture without borders.”
EDICIONES ALFAR S.A. Polígono Industrial La Chaparrilla, 34-36. 41016 SEVILLA. (ESPAÑA)
Luis M. Oliva
+34 954 406100
[email protected]