Author´s books
I Am Not A Whore
Charo Izquierdo is a well-known journalist and opinion-leader. She has a degree in Information Science from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and has completed the Programa de Dirección General (PDG en IESE) in Good Governance for Boards of Directors with the Instituto de Consejeros y Administradores. She has been editor and editor-in-chief of Dunia magazine, editor-in chief of Geo magazine, deputy editor-in-chief of Vogue, editor in chief of Gente Y Viajes and Elle magazines, editor and creator of the website, which was the website of Telva magazine, now, editor and founder of Yodona, a weekly supplement to the El Mundo newspaper and editor and founder of Grazia magazine. She is a patron of Save the Children, Fundación Arco Iris and Fundación Dexeus.