Author´s books
Capitalism and the wealth of the nations.
José Antonio de Aguirre, after a brief passage through the world of university education, has developed his career as a professional economist, first at the Ministry of Finance and later in the Stock Exchange of Bilbao, Barcelona and Madrid. In the eighties he played a prominent role in the introduction in Spain of the theories of James Buchanan and his school, encouraging the translation into our language of some basic works in his doctrinal approach such as as El cálculo del consenso, El poder fiscal y La razón de las normas. The result of this collaboration is his book on El poder de emitir dinero (1985). In the nineties he founded the Library of Great Economists of the Twentieth Century, which added the essential works by Böhm-Bawerk, Wicksell, Hayek and Fisher to Spanish, as well as a critical edition of the General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money by John Maynard Keynes. His latest book, El Capitalismo y la Riqueza de las Naciones is the fruit of his long dedication to the study of the works of these great thinkers and his own professional experience