New Spanish Books: The online guide of titles from Spanish publishers and literary agents with rights for translation in the UK. To consult titles available in other markets please click on the above links.
In this audio book, the famous Hispanist Ian Gibson sums up the essential milestones in Lorca's life, ending with a timeline that allows us to locate him in the cultural, historical and political situation of his time. The information Gibson deploys is the best introduction to profoundly enjoying the most-translated author from Spanish literature.
Exclusive, independent gastronomic guide to Spain. Put together by 67 inspectors who cover the whole country in an anonymous capacity. 12,000 useful references, with comments and qualifications of 1,400 restaurants including prices. Reviews of 1,500 hotels' services and facilities; interesting recommendations; tourist information…
Guide to independent, pioneering Spanish wines, with a focus on the viticultural sector, and covering the main Spanish bodegas (1,263 in total) whose 4,973 principal wines were tasted at a blind tasting by a team of professionals in the field. Includes information on specialist shops and the general rudiments of viticulture.
SAP Netweaver Business Warehouse (SAP Netweaver BW) is the analytic, informational, multiplatform data warehousing solution of SAP AG which allows data to be extracted rapidly and effectively from both SAP and non-SAP sources thanks to its pre-defined business content and the combination of tools which make up the Data Warehousing Workbench (DWW).